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Earlier NetHack Versions: NetHack 3.6.1 or later, or development source after 2/26/2018:
The version number can be found in: the documentation, with the game command v, or in the source file patchlevel.h or patchlev.h.
The version information can be found with the game command v or using the --version command line switch. Some platforms also support --version:paste, which will make the information available to paste immediately.
If this information is not available, please select the less detailed version in the "Earlier NetHack Versions" field.

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While the amount of support we can give to code that we didn't produce is limited, if we can help we'll try. If you are modifying the source, please also see the README file in the source distribution for additional information.
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There are too many different architectures supported by NetHack to give a complete list of what might be important for each one. If there's something else important that's not listed here, please add it.
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There are too many different architectures supported by NetHack to give a complete list of what might be important for each one. If there's something else important that's not listed here, please add it.



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NetHack is Copyright 1985-2023 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson. See our license for details.
This site is Copyright 1999-2023 by Kenneth Lorber, Kensington, Maryland.